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Bible Search Guide

(Under Construction for all major languages)

This document describes the basic features of the Bible Search Method with examples.

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Sets of Keywords

The searching method is based on 6 sets of words connected by AND/OR operators. The operators follow the common rule of Logical Operator Precedence, which says that the AND operator is evaluated before the OR operator.

In this sense, we can consider that the 6 sets are arranged in 2 groups. The first group has 3 sets connected by the OR operators as seen in the first line. The second group has 3 sets connected by the AND operators in the second line. These 2 groups are connected by another OR operator.

The search is not case-sensitive; just enter either upper or lower case letters.

The usage of the sets can be clarifed by the examples below.

Example 1: OR Operation (Any words, any order)

We want to find out what the bible says about the the heaven, hell, and paradise. These 3 words need not appear together in the same verse, and we want to get all the verses that include any one of these words. (That means: one, OR another, OR all, in any order).

In this case we use the OR operator. Simply enter "heaven" in the 1st set, "hell" in the 2nd set, and "paradise" in the 3rd set, all in the first line.

Example 2: AND Operation (All words, any order)

We want to find out what the bible says about the Kingdom of God, and also want to include those verses using the term like "God's Kingdom". The words "kingdom" AND "god" must appear together in the same verse; we don't want the verses which just has the word "kingdom", nor just has the word "god".

In this case we use the AND operator. Simply enter "kingdom" in the 4th set and "god" in the 5th set, all in the second line.

Example 3: AND/OR Operation (Combination)

We want to find out all the bible verses that mention all the related concepts above.

In this case we enter "heaven", "hell", and "paradise" in the first line; and enter "kingdom" and "god" in the second line.

Example 4: Single Set (Exact words, no extension)

If we want to search the bible for verses that contain the word "last", excluding the extension of it like "everlasting", just use the blanks before and after the words. We enter " last " (without the double quote ").

Example 5: Single Set (Exact words, exact order)

We want to find all the verses that contain the words "first will be last", exactly in that order. Simply enter this into any one of the 6 sets, and do not spread the words in multiple sets.

Example 6: Simple Regular Expression (Match any characters)

We want to find all the verses that contain the word "first", followed by nothing or any other characters, and then follow by the word "last". We can enter "first .* last" in any single set. This is because the character "." matches anything, and the character "*" means any number of it, as the rule of the "Regular Expression".

This is different from entering "first" in the 4th set and "last" in the 5th set connected by the AND operator, which will also retrieve the verses containing "last will be first". This is because ".*" has exact order, but the AND operator disregards the order.

More advanced search

Each set of the 6 sets accepts the patterns of Regular Expression.

Using the complete pattern of matching, users can obtain more specific data from the bible within a couple of seconds. With wise use this tool will provide valuable information for the preachers and bible scholars.

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